Due to Covid-19, Atlantia's June University event is taking place online on June 13, 2020. You can see all the classes and sign up (on or before June 5) at http://university.atlantia.sca.org The slides for the two classes that I am teaching are linked below.
Websites and Photographs - My wife (Mistress Kaleeb) and I updated and combined a previous two class track into one class that discusses why you want a website for your A&S work in the SCA, what to put on it, how to take effective pictures of your work, and how to set up a WordPress site to present your work.
Class Slides: http://baronllwyd.org/images/PDFs/Websites-and-Photographs.pdf
The photo "light tent" we showed: Amazon Link (affiliate link) There are lots of different sizes and kit variations available on Amazon.
European Historic Martial Arts in the SCA - This class introduces the A&S discipline of Historic Martial Arts (HMA) within the SCA. It discusses many of the surviving period resources and how HMA practitioners study, interpret, apply, and adapt the techniques for use on the SCA combat fields.
Class Slides: http://baronllwyd.org/images/PDFs/HMA_in_the_SCA.pdf
Atlantian Wiki - I also recently taught a class for our weekly Baronial A&S meetings on the Atlantian Wiki. I am not teaching this at the Kingdom level this time, but thought I'd still link the slides in case other people are interested. The class covers what a Wiki is, what kinds of things are on the Atlantian Wiki, how to set up a new personal page or edit an existing page.
Class Slides: http://baronllwyd.org/images/PDFs/SCA-Wiki.pdf