I've been doing a lot of Historic Martial Arts work recently.

In January, I became the new Deputy Kingdom A&S Minister for HMA for Atlantia. As part of that job I organized HMA demonstrations at March's Kingdom A&S Festival. I also had my own display table at KASF showing off our group's Fiore work.

Llwyd at 2018 KASF













In April, I fought in the King's Kingdom Cut & Thrust Championship and reached the finals. I used a fair bit of Fiore in my fights. These pictures show me (on the left) transitioning from Posta Breve La Serpentina/Short Serpent Position to Posta Di Serpentino Soprano/High Serpent Position:

Short Serpent    High Serpent















In other words, I've grabbed my own sword (half swording) and stepped up so that my sword was a wall between his sword and my body. Then I placed the point of my sword on his throat.

There have been two Kingdom C&T championships in Atlantia; I have reached the finals in both.

Finally, I broke out my new Christmas video gear and shot two talking videos for the LearnFiore YouTube channel about new Fiore source material books and about ways to drill and practice Fiore technique including using the flash cards that I created. I also wrote a text version of the ways to drill and practice topic.