My Historic Martial Arts Articles
- Fiore Documentation Prose description of Fiore’s history and the study group's purpose. Basically the first half of my Intro to Fiore class.
- Learning Fiore Approaches to drills to learn Fiore's system
- Website for Fiore work
- Surveying Period Rapier Manuals, a.k.a. "Master-a-Month" An high level survey approach to period rapier manuals.
- Introduction to Period Rapier Manuals class notes. Updated May 2014
- Rapier book bibliography with easy links for purchasing
- Fiore Bibliography List of Fiore printed resources
- Intro & Review of Fiore Handout Class outline for Introduction/Review to Fiore class
- Fiore Longsword Handout Class outline for Fiore Longsword class
- Fiore Armored Combat Class outline for Fiore Armored Combat class
- Using Fiore in SCA Combat Class outline for application of Fiore’s techniques to the SCA
- Longsword Posta Flash Cards and drills for Fiore's longsword stances
- Sword in Armor and Dagger Postas Flash Cards and drills for Fiore's Armored and Dagger positions
- Fiore Glossary Flash cards for Fiore's Medieval Italian terms for footwork, range, and blows
- HMA in the SCA Slides from the inaugural online class for Tir-y-Don's A&S night during the Corona Virus distancing. The slides give a quick history of surviving period European combat manuals, how to interpret a play with demonstrations (via YouTube due to being online), and how to apply these techniques to SCA combat.
SCA Rapier Articles that I've written
- Atlantian Rapier 101 - Article for new fencers in Atlantia explaning our awards, academie, and other culture topics.
- Visualizing the Wall - A fencing visualization technique to help build mental models.
- My Cut & Thrust Gear - Evaluation of options to comply with 2018 hand protection rules update
- 12 Dimensional Fencing, Llwyd's introduction to tournament tactics article from the 2005 "Knowne World Academy of Rapier"
- Measure and Tempo. A work in progress describing my timing and range game.
- Physics of Blade Bending, Engineering discussion of how heavy rapier blades bend and how to test for stiffness
- Engineering Theory of Blade Bending, A much older article of mine describing the physics of epee bending.
- SCA Army Communications, a draft chapter for part of an unfinished comprehensive melee manual.
- A Spectator's Guide to Atlantian Rapier class handout.
- 2010 letter outlining the duties of the Kingdom Rapier Marshal in Atlantia
- Atlantian Academie Oaths - Ancient and Modern oaths laid out to be printed on easy to carry cards.
Laminated Acadamie oath cards beside a 3x5" Index Card
SCA Award Discussions
- Atlantian Rapier Award Statistics Spreadsheets and numbers and math, oh, my!
- My History and Thoughts on the Atlantian Academie and Rapier Awards - A long musing on setting the bar for rapier polling orders (White Scarf and Order of Defense)
- SCA Awards are not Merit Badges - An article comparing the Boy Scouts' checklist based award structure and the SCA's squishier approach
- How Polling Orders Work - Or Why Doesn't Bob/Sue have their Knighthood/Laurel/Pelican/MoD/etc.
- Some Thoughts on Households - My experiences and thoughts on households and formal mentoring
- Order of the Sea Stag - Short discussion of Atlantia's award for martial instruction.
Tech in the SCA
- QR Codes and Digital Business Cards - using 21st Century tech to boost your SCA networking
- Spiffing up Online Presentations - adding cameras and scenes to your online talks. Also available as a slide package and a YouTube video.
- Websites and Photos for the SCA - Combined, updated, streamlined version of the below two classes to take 1 hour instead of 2.
- SCA Websites with Wordpress - Focused on building an A&S website, also available on YouTube here.
- Photos for SCA Websites - Composing, taking, and using photos for websites
- SCA Wikis - What is a wiki, what is on the Atlantian Wiki, and how do I contribute to it?
- Archiving old photos
Non-Rapier Articles
- Project Management for the SCA - A NASA-inspired approach to organizing change.
Lots of other class notes, outlines, and presentations are linked on my class list page.
Other interesting SCA topics:
- Llwyd's White Scarf and Master of Defense regalia: Scarves and Collars and Jersey.
- Llwyd's wife's site.
- Llwyd's modern home page
- Llwyd's modern tech oriented blog
- A List of classes that I've taught.
- My SCA resume - tuned for a rapier related job