One of my major interests in Photography. I take lots of pictures at SCA events and in my modern life as well. 

I shoot most of my pictures using a Canon 80D DSLR (previously a 50D). A few get shot with my cell phone (currently a Google Pixel 4a). I pull the shots into Adobe Lightroom for cataloging and editing. The edited pictures get posted to Facebook for sharing and tagging. I also will frequently post the larger collection of unedited pictures to a public Google Photos album.

Using My Pictures

Please feel free to take any picture of you, your work, your friends, or your family for your own use on your website, portfolio, or Christmas card. I have a photographer's release on file with the Kingdom of Atlantia allowing use in SCA newsletters and publications. If you want to go the extra mile, it would be great to credit me and let me know you've used the picture, but neither is required. Commercial use without advance permission is prohibited.

Photography Articles

I've written or co-written several articles related to photography:

Photo Albums

The Facebook links are to a cropped and edited subset of my pictures. Google Photo links are to a much larger set of unedited pictures from the event. I probably shot 90+% of these pictures. Most of the rest were shot by my wife. A few, mostly older ones, were shot by Tannis, Belphoebe, Cindel, Christy Hememway, and possibly others. 


Arts & Sciences - Mostly Atlantian Kingdom Arts & Sciences Festival (KASF)

Other Events






  • Holiday Faire,  Nov 21, 2015 - Facebook
  • Marinus Investiture, Oct 24, 2015 - Facebook
  • Stierbach Baronial Birthday, Jun 20, 2015 - Facebook
  • Golden Rose Tournament, Apr 19, 2015 - Facebook
  • Tir-y-Don 40th Baronial Birthday and Investiture, Mar 28, 2015 - Facebook



  • Unevent, Dec 7, 2013 - Facebook
  • Coronation, Oct 5, 2013 - Facebook
  • Bacon Wars, Sept 21, 2013 - Facebook
  • Ruby Joust, May 2013 - Facebook
  • Golden Rose Tournament April 20, 2013 - Facebook
  • Coronation April 6, 2013 - Facebook
  • Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday, Mar 23, 2013 - Facebook
  • 12th Night, Jan 12, 2013 - Facebook
  • Inter-Baronial 12th Night, Jan 5, 2013 - Facebook



  • Crown Tournament, Nov 5, 2011 - Facebook
  • Tir-y-Don Garb Photoshoot, Sept 8, 2011 - Facebook
  • Atlantian 30 Year, Sept 5, 2011 - Facebook
  • Stierbach Baronial Birthday, July 9, 2011 - Facebook
  • Crown Tournament, May 7, 2011 - Facebook
  • Night on the Town, April 9, 2011 - Facebook and Facebook
  • Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday, 2011 - Facebook









  • Harvest Faire Demo - Facebook
  • Marinus Investiture, Nov 22, 2003 - Facebook
  • Crown Tournament, Nov 2, 2003 - Facebook
  • Pilgrims' Progress - Facebook
  • Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday and Investiture, Mar 29, 2003 - Facebook


  • Knowne World Academy of Rapier - Facebook


  • Llwyd in Barony of Flaming Gryphon (Dayton, OH) - Facebook


  • Llwyd in Barony of Black Diamond (Blacksburg, VA) - Facebook
