One of my major interests in Photography. I take lots of pictures at SCA events and in my modern life as well.
I shoot most of my pictures using a Canon 80D DSLR (previously a 50D). A few get shot with my cell phone (currently a Google Pixel 4a). I pull the shots into Adobe Lightroom for cataloging and editing. The edited pictures get posted to Facebook for sharing and tagging. I also will frequently post the larger collection of unedited pictures to a public Google Photos album.
Using My Pictures
Please feel free to take any picture of you, your work, your friends, or your family for your own use on your website, portfolio, or Christmas card. I have a photographer's release on file with the Kingdom of Atlantia allowing use in SCA newsletters and publications. If you want to go the extra mile, it would be great to credit me and let me know you've used the picture, but neither is required. Commercial use without advance permission is prohibited.
Photography Articles
I've written or co-written several articles related to photography:
- Archiving Old Photos - scanning and saving old 35mm slides and negatives
- Photos for SCA Websites
- SCA Websites with Wordpress
Photo Albums
The Facebook links are to a cropped and edited subset of my pictures. Google Photo links are to a much larger set of unedited pictures from the event. I probably shot 90+% of these pictures. Most of the rest were shot by my wife. A few, mostly older ones, were shot by Tannis, Belphoebe, Cindel, Christy Hememway, and possibly others.
- Pennsic 48 - August 2019 - Facebook, Google
- Pennsic 47 - August 2018
- Pennsic 45 - August 2016 - Facebook
- Pennsic 44 - August 2015
- Pennsic 43 - August 2014 - Facebook
- Pennsic 41 - August 2012 - Facebook
- Pennsic 40 - August 2011 - Facebook
- Pennsic 39 - August 2010 - Facebook
- Pennsic 38 - August 2009 - Facebook
- Pennsic 37 - August 2008 - Facebook
- Pennsic 36 - August 2007 - Facebook
- Pennsic 35 - August 2006 - Facebook
- Pennsic 34 - August 2005 - Facebook
- Pennsic 33 - August 2004 - Facebook
- Pennsic 32 - August 2003 - Facebook
- Pennsic 27 - August 1998 - Facebook
- Pennsic 24 - August 1995 - Facebook
- Pennsic 23 - August 1994 - Facebook
Arts & Sciences - Mostly Atlantian Kingdom Arts & Sciences Festival (KASF)
- Pennsic 47 A&S - Facebook
- Knowne World A&S Festival, March 9-10, 2018 - Facebook
- KASF 2018, March 3, 2018 - Facebook, Google
- KASF 2017, March 5, 2017 - Facebook, HMA on Facebook
- KASF 2016, March 6, 2016 - Facebook, Google
- KASF 2014, Feb 2, 2014 - Facebook
- KASF 2013, Feb 3, 2013 - Facebook
- KASF 2012, Feb 4, 2012 - Facebook
- KASF 2011, Feb 5, 2011 - Facebook
- KASF 2010, Mar 6, 2010 - Facebook
- KASF 2009, Mar 7, 2009 - Facebook
- KASF 2007, Mar 3, 2007 - Facebook
- KASF 2006, Mar 4, 2006 - Facebook
- KASF 2005, Mar 5, 2005 - Facebook
- KASF 2004, Mar 6, 2004 - Facebook
Other Events
- Newport News Fall Festival Demo, Oct 5-6, 2019 - Facebook, Google
- Rip Rap War, Sept 14, 2019 - Facebook, Google
- Old School War Practice, June 22, 2019 - Facebook, Google
- Ruby Joust, May 25 2019 - Facebook, Google
- Day of Challenge, April 20, 2019 - Facebook, Google
- Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday & Investiture - Labors of Finn, March 30, 2019 - Facebook, Google
- Defending the Gate, March 23, 2019 - Facebook, Google
- Tir-y-Don Winter Fighter Practices by Mardoll Kettlingr - Facebook
- Atlantian University, Feb 2, 2019 - Facebook
- 12th Night, Jan 12, 2019 - Facebook, Google
- Midwinter Martial Symposium, Dec 15, 2018 - Facebook
- Crown Tournament, Nov 3, 2018 - Facebook, Google
- Draken Harald Hårfagre recreation Viking ship - Facebook
- Rip Rap War 2, Sept 8, 2018 - Facebook, Google
- Storvik Novice Tournament, June 23, 2018 - Facebook, Google
- Ruby Joust May 26, 2018 - Facebook, Google
- Queen's Rapier Championship, April 21, 2018 - Facebook, Google
- Tournament of the Red Dolphin (Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday), April 14, 2018 - Facebook, Google
- Defending the Gate, March 31, 2018 - Facebook, Google
- Ymir, Feb 24, 2018 - Facebook
- 12th Night - Jan 13, 2018 - Facebook, Google
- Holiday Faire, Nov 19, 2017 - Facebook
- Queen's Rapier Championship, Oct 14, 2017 - Facebook, Google
- Atlantian University, Sept 17, 2017 - Facebook
- Rip Rap War, Sept 10, 2017 - Facebook, Google
- Vikings: Beyond the Legends museum exhibit, July 27, 2017 - Facebook
- Stierbach Baronial Birthday and Investiture, June 24, 2017 - Facebook
- Ruby Joust, May 28, 2017 - Facebook, Google
- Crown Tournament, May 6, 2017 - Facebook, Google
- Bacon Wars 3, Mar 19, 2017 - Facebook
- Marinus Baronial Birthday, Nov 12, 2016 - Facebook
- Queen's Rapier Championship, Oct 30, 2016 - Facebook
- Atlantian University, Sept 23, 2016 - Facebook
- Stierbach Baronial Birthday, June 18, 2016 - Facebook, Google
- Ruby Joust, May 2016 - Facebook, Google
- Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday, May 1, 2016 - Facebook
- Coronation, April 2, 2016 - Facebook
- Defending the Gate, March 27, 2016 - Facebook, Google
- Ymir, Feb 27, 2016 - Facebook, Google
- Atlantian University, Feb 7, 2016 - Facebook
- Inter-Baronial 12th Night, Jan 2, 2016 - Facebook
- Holiday Faire, Nov 21, 2015 - Facebook
- Marinus Investiture, Oct 24, 2015 - Facebook
- Stierbach Baronial Birthday, Jun 20, 2015 - Facebook
- Golden Rose Tournament, Apr 19, 2015 - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don 40th Baronial Birthday and Investiture, Mar 28, 2015 - Facebook
- Crown Tournament, Nov 2014 - Facebook
- Bacon Wars II, Sept 27, 2014 - Facebook
- Ruby Joust - May 2014 - Facebook
- Coronation - Apr 5, 2014 - Facebook
- Defending the Gate - Mar 29, 2014 - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday - Mar 15, 2014 - Facebook
- Ymir - Facebook
- Inter-Baronial 12th Night - Jan 4, 2014 - Facebook
- Unevent, Dec 7, 2013 - Facebook
- Coronation, Oct 5, 2013 - Facebook
- Bacon Wars, Sept 21, 2013 - Facebook
- Ruby Joust, May 2013 - Facebook
- Golden Rose Tournament April 20, 2013 - Facebook
- Coronation April 6, 2013 - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday, Mar 23, 2013 - Facebook
- 12th Night, Jan 12, 2013 - Facebook
- Inter-Baronial 12th Night, Jan 5, 2013 - Facebook
- Regional Practice, Nov 2012 - Facebook
- Coronation, Oct 6, 2012 - Facebook
- Ruby Joust, May 2012 - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday and Investiture, April 28, 2012 - Facebook
- Defending the Gate - Facebook
- Ymir, Feb 18, 2012 - Facebook
- Crown Tournament, Nov 5, 2011 - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Garb Photoshoot, Sept 8, 2011 - Facebook
- Atlantian 30 Year, Sept 5, 2011 - Facebook
- Stierbach Baronial Birthday, July 9, 2011 - Facebook
- Crown Tournament, May 7, 2011 - Facebook
- Night on the Town, April 9, 2011 - Facebook and Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday, 2011 - Facebook
- Holiday Faire, Nov 2010 - Facebook
- University, Oct 2010 - Facebook
- War of the Wings V, Oct 2010 - Facebook
- St. Brigid's Thread Needle Faire - Fencing , Sewing & Brewing
- Sapphire Joust - Facebook
- Stierbach Baronial Birthday, June 26, 2010 - Facebook
- Crown Tournament, May 7, 2010 - Facebook
- Defending the Gate, March 27, 2010 - Facebook
- Ymir, Feb 13, 2010 (My Pelican vigil & elevation, so all pictures by others!) - Google
- Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday - Facebook
- Holiday Faire Nov 21, 2009 - Facebook
- Crown Tournament, Nov 2009 - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Kiln Creek Parade Walk, June 2009 - Facebook
- Sapphire Joust - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday - Facebook
- Coronation, Apr 2009 - Facebook
- Free Scholar/White Scarf Gathering Apr 2009 - Facebook
- Ymir - Facebook
- University, Oct 4, 2008 - Facebook
- Journey to the Crusades, Sept 20, 2008 - Facebook
- Caer Mear Baronial Birthday - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Kiln Creek Parade Walk, June 2008 - Facebook
- St Luke's Artisans Faire - Facebook
- Sapphire Joust - Facebook
- Defending the Gate - Facebook
- King's Assessment - Facebook
- Holiday Faire - Facebook, Google
- War of the Wings, Oct 2007 - Facebook
- White Scarf Challenge, June 9, 2007 - Facebook
- Sapphire Joust - Facebook
- Marinus Baronial Birthday - Facebook
- Crown Tournament, May 2007 - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Demo - Facebook
- Marinus Investiture - Facebook
- College of Rencester event - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday & Investiture - Facebook
- Ymir - Facebook
- Marinus Baronial Birthday - Facebook
- Crown Tournament, Nov 2006 - Facebook
- Demo at Mariner's Museum, July 2006 - Facebook
- College of Rencester Spring Event - Facebook
- Sapphire Joust - Facebook
- Harvest Faire demo - Facebook
- Kingdom Crusades - Facebook
- Crown Tournament, May 2006 - Facebook
- Coronation, April 2006 - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday - Facebook
- Ymir - Facebook
- Inter-Baronial 12th Night - Facebook
- Highland River Melees - Facebook
- Challenge of the Heart - Facebook
- King's Assessment - Facebook
- Ymir - Facebook
- Sapphire Joust - Facebook
- College of Rencester Spring event - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday - Facebook
- Inter-Baronial 12th Night - Facebook
- Marinus Winter Revel - Facebook
- King's Assessment - Facebook
- Regional War Practice - Facebook
- Kingdom Crusades - Facebook
- Pilgrims' Progress - Facebook
- Scottish Faire Demo - Facebook
- Ponte Alto Investiture - Facebook
- College of Rencester Spring event - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday - Facebook
- Harvest Faire Demo - Facebook
- Marinus Investiture, Nov 22, 2003 - Facebook
- Crown Tournament, Nov 2, 2003 - Facebook
- Pilgrims' Progress - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Baronial Birthday and Investiture, Mar 29, 2003 - Facebook
- Knowne World Academy of Rapier - Facebook
- Llwyd in Barony of Flaming Gryphon (Dayton, OH) - Facebook
- Llwyd in Barony of Black Diamond (Blacksburg, VA) - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Baronage album - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Pennsic group photos - Facebook
- Annual Family Pennsic picture album - Facebook
- My memes - Facebook
- Enameled Coronet project - Facebook
- Tir-y-Don Halloween 2003-2006 - Facebook